To help companies gain Sustainable Competitive Advantage in their markets by increasing the Perceived Value throughout the Value Chain: customers, employees, suppliers, distributors, shareholders and community.

The Customer Perceived Value methodology was created by Ray Kordupleski of CVM Inc. in response to the needs of AT&T in the USA. Nowadays, it is applied in different market segments across all continents. In Latin America, this methodology is applied exclusively by CVA Solutions.

Based on a PIMS (Profit Impact of Market Strategy) study carried out by the Strategic Planning Institute (Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA) increasing Customer Perceived Value (CVA) generates an increase in market share and profitability.

The implementation of CVA / PVA is flexible and focused on optimizing the resources that already exist in the company.

CVA Solutions carries out Market Research and Workshops to present the results and support the development of the Action Plan.

CVA Solutions uses the results of market research that has already been carried out at the company, and if necessary, carries out new researches into only the content to supplement the CVA / PVA model.

CVA Solutions teaches, motivates and trains the company’s employees to use and prepare studies with the CVA / PVA methodology.

our team


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Managing Partner

Experience of more than 20 years as Marketing and Sales Executive. He held positions of Management in large companies such as Merck, Aché Laboratories, Ralston Purina and Unilever. Graduated in Production Engineering from POLI / USP, with an MBA in Marketing from ESPM and an MBA in Finance from INSPER. Founding partner of CVA Solutions, an international company affiliated with CVM Inc. (USA).
Definições de USA
United States of America.
Veja também
U.S.A., I am from the USA., Have you ever been to the USA?, I am from the USA
Traduções de USA


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Chief Planning Officer

More than 20 years experience as a Market Research executive. She has held high-level positions at large advertising agencies such as Almap, Ogilvy and Clube de Criação. A graduate in Economics from Mackenzie University, she took part in the introduction and development of new Market Research and Competitive Intelligence methodologies.


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Associate Consultant

Experience as a Market Research executive at such companies as Colgate-Palmolive, Claro and Whirlpool. Graduated in Business Administration from FGV, with a doctorate in Communication and Semiotics from PUC-SP. Developed pioneering work in the application of semiotics in brand development. She is working on the development of new products and services at CVA Solutions.


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Associate Consultant

Consultant with over 20 years experience. He has held officer positions at large management consulting companies such as Accenture, A.T. Kearney, Roland Berger e Watson Wyatt. A graduate in Marketing from ESPM and an MBA in Marketing and Finance from Rochester University (USA).


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Associate Consultant

A marketing Executive with over 20 years experience, who has led marketing and business teams in Brazil and Latin America. He developed his career in such consumer goods and services companies as Philip Morris, Reckitt, Whirlpool, HSM and Philips. A graduate in Business Administration and studying for a Master’s Degree at USP, he also has an MBA in Marketing from FIA-USP. He has been a Senior Instructor on post-graduate courses at ESPM for almost 10 years, lecturing on Marketing, Business and Competition.


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Associate Consultant (Argentina)

More than 20 years experience as a Marketing and Sales executive. He has held high-level positions at large companies such as Whirlpool Argentina, Correo Argentino and Garbarino. A graduate in Electrical Engineering from UTN (Argentina), with a Master’s qualification in Marketing and Commercial Management from ESEM (Spain). He is an Associate Consultant at CVA Solutions for Argentina.

See how cva can help your company

– What is to be done to increase the company’s market share and profitability?

– Does your company have an effective strategy for attracting and retaining customers?

– Does your company provide customers with better value than your competitors?

– What are the main cost and benefit attributes that your company needs to focus on in its improvement program?

– Do the company’s employees understand and agree with how they can contribute to improving the perceived value of products and services?

– How can you attract and retain talented employees?

– How can you develop a ‘high performance’ environment in your company?

– What are the main factors that influence the ‘mood’ in your organization?

– Are the training courses effective? Do they add value?

– Does your company manage to communicate the differentials and benefits of its brands and products at the points of sale?

– Are your products competitively positioned at the points of sale?

– Apart from financial incentives, what can be done to encourage retailers salesmen to recommend your company’s brands and products?

– Are your company’s sales promoters adding value?

– How can your company become more competitive and add more value to your customers without increasing your costs?

– How can customers be segmented and programs be developed to generate profitable growth?

– What should be the sales team’s priorities for improving relationships with customers?

– How is your company positioned comparing to the competition, in the credit support and logistics areas?

– Is your portfolio of brands and products competitive?

– How can you improve perceived price without reducing your price?

– What is the influence of the brand on customers’ perception of value?

– What are the key attributes that need to be communicated?

– What can be done to make the relationship and loyalty programs more efficient and more effective?

– Which attributes does the market give most value to? What are the best opportunities?

– Which is the best brand / product from the customer’s point of view? Why?

– Is there any room to improve the current products, or is it really necessary to innovate?

– How can you improve service and reduce costs at the same time?

– What is the impact of service on the perception of value and customer loyalty?

– Does the current service level meet customer expectations?

– How can engineering, marketing and sales be aligned with the customer’s vision?

– Which processes need to be improved?

– How can suppliers be involved in the customer’s perceived quality process?

– What can be done so that your  company’s 6 Sigma Quality Program helps to increase not only productivity, but also market share?

– What is the impact of technical assistance on the perception of the product?

– How can an excellent service level be achieved at a competitive cost?

– What are the strong and weak points of your competitors technical assistance?

– Is the current logistics process competitive?

– What is the impact of logistics on your customers’ perception of value?

– How can an excellent service level (delivery lead-time, flexible programming) be achieved at a competitive cost?

– What are the strong and weak points of your competitors logistics?

global associates

CVA Solutions,
Latin America – São Paulo – 1

CVA Solutions is part of a global network of associates that uses the Customer Value Added (CVA) and People Value Added (PVA) management methodologies. This network of associates has complementary experience and expertise to make up a World-Class team of consultants.

Customer Value Management, Asia Pacific (CVM) – New Zealand (Auckland) – 6

Founded by Ray Kordupleski and Rodger Gallagher, CVM Asia Pacific is located in New Zealand.

ValueMetrics, Australia
(Sidney) – 5

Founded by Nick Fischer, it is located in Australia.

Customer Value Management Inc,
North America – New York – 2

Founded by Ray Kordupleski, the creator of the Customer Value Added (CVA) methodology, CVM Inc. is located in the USA and supplies some of the largest Corporations of various products and services segments.

Customer Champions, England
Londres – 3

Founded by Colin Bates and located in England, Customer Champions focuses its operations on Europe.

Customer Value Foundation, India
New Delhi – 4

Founded by Gautam Mahajan, it is located in India.


Mastering Customer Value Management

This book gives the author’s vision and his experience in several global companies. It is enriched by contributions from executives, change agents, technicians, experts and other consultants. Several case studies present an understanding and details of CVM programs that have been successfully implemented. Mastering Customer Value Management presents the basic concepts underlying customer value management and the basic tools that have been developed to implement it in business. The book explores the science and the art of:

– Correlating customer value to business results.

– Gaining actionable competitive information.

– Using customer data to establish priorities and create improvements.

– Creating a customer-focused culture.

Written by a proven successful practitioner, this book is a practical guide that has been designed to help readers to:

– Understand the process and the impact of customer value management on the business.

– Read about the tools necessary for implementing a customer value based business.

– Overcome resistance to change.

– Implement the ten critical steps for customer value management.

– Create strategies to make the program work.

“Sustainable Happiness managed to express in number one of Natura’s main beliefs, that bonding, quality of relationships are a powerful vehicle for connecting each individual with himself and with the universe around him. Wellness.

Another special feature is the gender comparison, which emphasizes that empowerment of women remains a huge and urgent challenge for society.

Finally, the study indicates numerous opportunities for companies and brands to become legitimate to promote the happiness of their customers. “

João Paulo Ferreira
Commercial Vice President – Natura

I consider myself a very happy, positive and, no doubt, blessed person. When reading this book, my conclusion is that without knowing the theory, the daily practice formula of happiness proposed here. With a good dose of science, the authors were able to do the behaviors and attitudes that lead some people to be happier than other materials. It is accompanied by a good reading of personal reflection.

Bia Galloni
Vice President of Marketing – MasterCard

Sandro and Patricia, to innovate to take the subject in the real perspective of the Brazilians, with scientific methodology, crossing the results with rich analysis of other academic studies on the subject in other countries, and offer a pleasant reading, that allows the reflection and the practic sense .

Marcos Baruki Samaha
Chief Operating Officer Multivarejo – Grupo Pão de Açúcar

Are the decisions we make the key to happiness? Can you be happy alone?
And after all, what does “sustainable happiness” mean?
The approach to the subject, the psychological, behavioral and social point of view, and the conclusions presented by CVA Solutions and TheWill2Grow are at least fascinating.

Barbara Gancia
Presenter of GNT and Collaborator of Folha S.Paulo

There are in us nothing less than 91.5% said they believe in God. This certainty of God is fundamental to the feeling of happiness.

Anderson Eduardo de Andrade Vespa
Student of Spirituality

or further information, please contact us.


    Rua Tabapuã, 821 – 11º andar – Itaim Bibi
    CEP: 04533-013
    São Paulo/SP – Brasil


    +55 (11) 3841 9030
    +55 (11) 3846 8127